Nikki Siapno & Chris Staudinger

We help grow careers in tech

Hi, we're Nikki and Chris and we love to help people get into tech.We've been working in the industry for more than 10 years, and we know just how difficult it can be to get started and build a career.

Our mission is simple: to take the mystery out of programming and make it accessible for anyone who wants to get into tech.

High quality content every day for free

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Sharing to 235K+ people in total.Follow along for tips, resources and visuals to help you learn programming!

Nikki Siapno

Nikki Siapno

Nikki went from a Junior Developer to an Engineering Manager in just 4.5 years!Now she uses her expertise and design skills to create visuals that simplifies programming and help others become successful programmers.

Chris Staudinger

Chris Staudinger

Chris is a self-taught software developer with a passion for teaching others how to code.Chris takes the complexity out of programming by providing easy to understand content and visuals.

Nikki Siapno & Chris Staudinger

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Daily visuals to help you learn and succeed In coding.All in one place.Learn something new or come back to revise.

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